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Rules - Hole and Hole Competitions


PLEASE ADVISE RESULTS TO SECRETARY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. eMail the secretary using E-mail or use the Contact form


1.  CHALLENGER - The first named is the Challenger who must offer his opponent three dates. These should be given in good time to enable the tie to be arranged before the expiry date. Unless by mutual agreement ties should be played normal working hours.  


2. HANDICAP ALLOWANCE - Full handicap allowance in singles matches.

Handicaps for fourball matches are calculated as follows: Lowest Handicap of the 4 players goes back to scratch and other 3 take their handicap from the back-marker (90% of difference) e.g.

Four players have handicaps as follows – Player 1 = 7, Player 2 = 12, Player 3 = 16, Player 4 = 21.

  • Player 1 goes to scratch and gets no strokes

  • Player 2 gets 90% of 5 = 4.5 = 5 strokes

  • Player 3 gets 90% of 9 = 8.1 = 8 strokes

  • Player 4 gets 90% of 14 = 12.6 = 13 strokes

½ stroke upwards count up 1 stroke, below ½ are ignored.


3. MATCH FINISHING ALL SQUARE - The general rule is that ‘sudden death’ be played with normal stroke allowance still applying where appropriate. Players however, may by mutual agreement replay their match provided that this is still within the prescribed timescales. The challenger still has prerogative of choosing the course.


4. VENUE - Ties should be played within the Lothians area (N.B. For the purpose of this competition West Linton is deemed to be within the catchment) Please note also that Fife/Kinross/Stirling area is considered also to be acceptable provided both players are in agreement and dates/times offered are sensible. Players may however by mutual agreement play ties outwith the area. All ties should be played from normal tees (not medal tees).


5. FINAL - The final of each competition should be played over 36 holes (1 Round at each finalist’s home course). The first round should be played to its conclusion with the score being carried forward to the second round. In the event of the final remaining all-square after 36 holes, ‘sudden death’ should be applied with additional stroke allowance where appropriate. Where a finalist has no Home Course, a Municipal Course should be used for 1 leg. If both finalists have no Home Course the final, may if both parties agree, have the option of playing 1 round only at a mutually agreed Municipal Course. N.B. All players may of course at their own discretion play their final over 1 Round only. Please note that due to financial restraints the Club will no longer reimburse Green Fees for finals.


6. EXTENSIONS - Extensions of time to play ties will NOT be granted as a matter of course but may be considered under exceptional circumstances and must be cleared by the secretary in advance


7. GREEN FEES - Whilst it is the Competitors’ choice as to who pays the Green Fees, Council recommend that, as a general rule, the visitor pay the relative fees. Competitors should discuss the Green Fee payable before commencement of play and reach a mutual understanding as to its settlement, bearing in mind that should the fee be excessive a contribution from both or all parties might be the most acceptable compromise. At Municipal Courses where all Competitors have to pay a Green Fee, these costs should be borne by all participating players.


8. CHANGE IN HANDICAP - Competitors must play each round at their current handicap with one exception. Competitors in the A - Section singles whose Handicaps increase during the term of the Competition to above the Competition upper limit (13) must not claim a handicap higher than that limit (13).  All competitors should have a Golf Handicap before playing their first tie and anyone not having a National or Bank Handicap should submit 2 cards to the Secretary for assessment. These cards do not have to be played off Medal Tees but should be counter-signed by their playing partner. Anyone entering the Hole and Hole Competitions who does not have a National or Bank Golf Club Handicap must play off scratch until this matter is rectified.


9. GPS & RANGE FINDERS - Such equipment may be used provided the course where the match is to be played has decided that the equipment is acceptable.


10. DISPUTE - In any dispute the Committee’s decision is final and any problems should be raised with the Match Secretary

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